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wepg user manual


    1 Guide view
    1.1 what is displayed
    1.2 scrolling
    1.3 showing program info/details
    1.4 selecting a different channel
    1.5 including a program in today's to-watch list
    1.6 rating a program
    1.7 switching between guide and schedule
    1.8 toggling the todo filter
    2 Details view
    2.1 what is displayed
    3 Schedule view
    3.1 what is displayed
    3.2 checking what's on a particular channel currently
    3.3 refreshing the view

1 Guide view

After a hotsync, the initial screen will show the Guide view. This view supports regular TV guide functionality; it lists all the scheduled programs for today per channel, and provides a more detailed description for each program upon request.

Additionally this view enables the creation of a 'to-watch' list for today, which will be shown when you switch to Schedule view. Since one typically watches particular programs on a regular basis, the application can automatically include those programs in the to-watch list the next time they're on. This is indicated with a positive rating for the program.

Programs that weren't selected for the to-watch list last time will be given a negative rating, based on the assumption that if it wasn't interesting last time, it neither will be this time.

When composing a to-watch list, a filter can be enabled that skips negatively rated, uninteresting, programs and that also skips positively rated programs that will be in the to-watch list anyway. This "todo filter" enables a quick browse through the programs that might be worthwhile watching.

1.1 what is displayed

main screen, detail
indicator when app is busy (b)
starting time (t)
progam rating (p)
program title (n)
current channel (c)
program genre (g)
checkmarked (by you) if planned to watch (a)
whether the todo filter is on (r)
an icon if you've seen this already (s)
navigation (f) / (d)
whether in guide or schedule view (u) / (k)

1.2 scrolling

1.3 showing program info/details

1.4 selecting a different channel

1.5 including a program in today's to-watch list

1.6 rating a program

  1. in the row of the program, tap the column of the ratings (p)
  2. select a rating from the popup list
    • select '?' to reset the user rating

Ratings specified by the user are marked with a dot.

1.7 switching between guide and schedule

1.8 toggling the todo filter

in guide view:

2 Details view

2.1 what is displayed

channel/time (ch,tm)
program title (t)
description (d)
app concluded that you've seen this before(e)
tells the app that you've seen this before(s)
sets an alarm (in DateBook) for this program(a)
planned, will be included in the schedule (p)
tells the app that you've watched this program(w)

3 Schedule view

3.1 what is displayed

schedule view
channel of program (z)
checkmarked (by you) if you've watched it (w)
current filter mode (m)
an icon if it's currently on air (o)

3.2 checking what's on a particular channel currently

  1. tap on (q)
  2. select a channel from the popup list
  3. the details view of the program will be shown

3.3 refreshing the view